A Dialogue of The Minds
ThePoliticalMinds.com is a forum facilitating a Trans-Atlantic
dialogue between the United States and Europe. The forum encourages discourses
in a comparative global context and with a global vision. Our core themes are Quality of Democracy and Innovation.
Quality of Democracy
American and European democracy continuously need to learn
from each other in a Trans-Atlantic dialogue. Democracy represents the only
valid mode for organizing the political system, interlinking politics with
society and economy.
Global Democracy challenges democracy as it is confronted
with emerging multi-level architectures (global, national, regional, and
local). Quality of democracy can increase, and quality of democracy can
Reform and innovation of democracy address emerging
economies, but also advanced economies. With the global spread of
democracy, there is more of a need to distinguish between different qualities
of democracy. The aim is to increase the quality of democracy.
Knowledge democracy emphasizes knowledge production, knowledge application and innovation, and indicates possible paths of development and of sustainable development. Innovation topics include, but are not limited to: technology, medicine, communications, artificial intelligence, ecology and environmental sensitivity.
Knowledge democracy, knowledge
society and knowledge economy are co-evolving. It is in this context where
innovation can emerge and be sustained within the context of democracy.
See our Publications page for further references.